Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pillarbox - Get your computer out of the way and just type

If you need to type and you want the computer to just get out of the way, that's what this app does.

Pillarbox is a web app that let's you write. You can set how many words you want to write (for this article I set it at 250 because I didn't want to bore you) or you can set a timer for how long you want to write. It keeps your text in the middle of the screen so you don't have to scroll.

It gives you a black screen with a grey column in the middle and you just type in it.

You can change the colors and font sizes if you want, and if you know CSS, you can change just about everything about the appearance.

It uses HTML 5 offline storage, so the text exists in your browser cache and is saved automatically. To save the text to an external file is to select all, copy and paste it into another app.

The one mark against it is that it only works on Chrome. It is a Chrome app that you get from the Web Store.

Download it here.

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